So Necco, on PlusOne, gave me this crazy idea that I could play 2-7 at the 2/4 limit. I really think I am a good enough player for this limit, but boy is it frustrating. I really shouldn't play that high, mostly because I might play a little scared, since $30 pots come and go. And, with a game like TD, suckouts happen so much. Regardless, I played 2/4 Sunday night for the first time and lost like $50. I was just completely card dead for almost all of the 2 hours that I played. But, as Necco said, the play wasn't that great. For the most part, it was pretty straightforward. So I decided to play again last night. I again saw the same straightforward play, people pushing their one card draws and decent two card draws. One thing that is different, is that you don't see a pot that hasn't been raised before the first draw. Occasionally there will be a limper, but 95% of the time the button is raising or the CO. I also see a lot more rougher hands winning. I've never seen so many rough 9's. But these guys pay attention. I am the king of the value bet and aggression after the last draw. I almost NEVER check OOP after the last round. If I am pat I want them to be confused and scared to call with there 8. So I got called down one time value betting a pat 9 and lost a decent pot to an 8. But now I know that he knows that I might do this and I can exploit it. I don't think it's all that bad to be aggressive like that. It mixes up your game so that they will call you down. I just have to control it a bit more. Necco is the king of this (not the control part but the aggression). I was watching him play last night (10/20), and he would either have the nuts or a completely ridiculous hand. Now he was playing 3 handed which will open up your starting hand requirements, and he too was playing over his 'roll, but I saw so many times he would get called down and win his biggest pots with his good hands. He was about break even though, and a little tilted. I'm going to keep playing it though, although I may step down a level. I just can't stand the .25/.50 table. I've had great sessions there, but winning 30 bb's in 1 hour (which is a great winrate) is only like $15, while last night I won about $80 in 2 hours. If I am averaging 10 bb's an hour at the .25/.50 level, I think I can make a jump.
I also played in two tournaments last night. One WSOP super satelite (my first), and the $5 7pm that I took down a couple months ago. The super was really a spur of the moment thing. It was a turbo tourney, and I seriously hate those things. I played pretty bad though, only lasting about 30 mins. The 7pm was great until I busted! I had an above average stack the whole tournament until the ante's kicked in. There were about 600 that played, and I think I went out around 130 or so. I had JJ UTG, and raised to 1500 (my stack was about 10k blinds were 200/400 w/ 50 ante). UTG +2 re-raised to about 4-5k. The button called. I pushed. I really should've layed it down looking back, but I just can't do that with that much in the pot. I figured the re-raiser for AK, but the button smooth calling was sooooo weird. So the re-raiser goes all-in and I know I'm toast now, as he had to have an overpair to JJ, and surprisingly the button calls. I think this was about a 30k pot. It turns out I was up against QQ and ATs<--WTF. I guess he was priced in, but seriousy the smooth call!!
Anyway, i'm glad I had a decent night playing Triple Draw to make up for the tourneys and the $50 from the other night. The Turkey Tourney is one day away, and I can't wait to play live. If only I could get my friends to play some other games besides hold'em!!
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