Tuesday, February 21, 2006

AH HA...That's Why...

So in my last post I lamented how I could not seem to win, or get any worthwhile cards (in Triple Draw that is...). Well, today I booked a +$140 day. Not a HUGE win by any stretch (although not bad for me!), but an interesting turn of events to say the least. I played all of my draws hard and fast, but it doesn't hurt to get dealt pat hands a couple times in 2 hours either! That's right, I got 24568 dealt twice tonight. And, the kicker...it held up both times! I also was dealt a pat #3 which paid off pretty nicely as well. The funny thing about today was that twice I was all-in in two different sessions, only to turn around and leave winner both times. Lately, I have been doing a sort-of mini buy-in. The reason? Psychological. For me, and for my opponents. For one, if I have a bad session, it doesn't seem to hurt so much. I don't really know if my opponents even make note of how much I am in for, but I certainly do with them, and the more stuck they look, the more likely I may be to run a play on them.

I haven't been doing that great a job of tracking my stats this month. In fact, I have been horrible at it. But, I know I need to do a better job, so this week I have re-started my tracking. It's always easy to track winning sessions...it's the losers that really suck!

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