Saturday, November 24, 2007

TOC Coming Up!

Richards TOC is coming up. The final results for the year were pretty interesting:

1. MALNER - 308
1. PALLADINO - 308
3. R NASH - 304
4. CAMPBELL - 279
5. RYAN - 261
6. JAMFREEK - 252
7. DANNY - 211
8. PRINDLE - 208
9. GEORGE - 181
10. CLARDY - 179

Out of 16 tourneys that I was able to play, I cashed in 7, and won a bunch of those (at least 2-3). So that obviously contributed to my 6th place finish. The TOC should be fun, since I think we will start with a little more chips so we should have a bit more play. We are still trying to come up with a good name for our poker club. Most of the names that I've come up with I think have a nice ring, but the tournament director thinks otherwise.

Here's an intriguing hand from a Pokerstars Triple Draw game I was just playing in.

PokerStars Game #13430940709: Triple Draw 2-7 Lowball Limit ($0.50/$1.00) - 2007/11/24 - 00:22:52 (ET)
Table 'Hippokoon II' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: ($14.50 in chips)
Seat 2: ($13.10 in chips)
Seat 3: ($17.85 in chips)
Seat 4: ($18.65 in chips)
Seat 5: ($12.45 in chips)
Seat 6: jamfreek ($36.85 in chips)
Seat 1: posts small blind $0.25
Seat 2: posts big blind $0.50
Seat 5: posts big blind $0.50
Dealt to jamfreek [4s 2s 7d 9c Kc]
Seat 3: folds
Seat 4: calls $0.50
Seat 5: checks
jamfreek: raises $0.50 to $1
Seat 1: calls $0.75
Seat 2: calls $0.50
Seat 4: calls $0.50
Seat 5: calls $0.50

Lots of action, but a pretty loose game...standard raise from me

*** FIRST DRAW ***
Seat 1: discards 3 cards
Seat 2: discards 2 cards
Seat 4: discards 2 cards
Seat 5: discards 1 card
jamfreek: discards 2 cards [9c Kc]
Dealt to jamfreek [4s 2s 7d] [3s Kh]
Seat 1: checks
Seat 2: checks
Seat 4: checks
Seat 5: bets $0.50
jamfreek: raises $0.50 to $1 Raising for value and to try and get it heads up
Seat 1: folds
Seat 2: calls $1
Seat 4: calls $1
Seat 5: calls $0.50

HMMM, again it's pretty loose so I figure I can hit any 5/6/8 for a win...

Seat 2: discards 1 card
Seat 4: discards 1 card
Seat 5: stands pat CURIOUS
jamfreek: discards 1 card [Kh]
Dealt to jamfreek [4s 2s 7d 3s] [5s] GIN
Seat 2: checks
Seat 4: checks
Seat 5: bets $1
jamfreek: raises $1 to $2
Seat 2: calls $2
Seat 4: calls $2
Seat 5: calls $1

WOW! Sweet mulit-way pot and everyone is playing for a chop or drawing dead!

*** THIRD DRAW ***
Seat 2: stands pat OH MY
Seat 4: stands pat OH MY
Seat 5: stands pat OH MY
jamfreek: stands pat on [4s 2s 7d 3s 5s]
Seat 2: checks
Seat 4: checks
Seat 5: checks
jamfreek: bets $1
Seat 2: calls $1
Seat 4: calls $1
*** SHOW DOWN ***
jamfreek: shows [4s 2s 7d 3s 5s] (Lo: 7,5,4,3,2)
Seat 2: mucks hand
Seat 4: mucks hand
Seat 5: mucks hand
jamfreek collected $20.50 from pot
Seat 4: said, "nh"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $21 | Rake $0.50
Seat 1: (small blind) folded after the 1st Draw
Seat 2: (big blind) mucked [8h 3h 2d 4h 6h] This is the only hand that should be calling here
Seat 3: folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 4: mucked [4d 8s 5c 2h 7s]
Seat 5: mucked [7h 8c 6s 3d 4c]
Seat 6: jamfreek (button) showed [4s 2s 7d 3s 5s] and won ($20.50) with Lo: 7,5,4,3,2

That's about how it's been going for me in the TD games. You hardly ever see these kind of overcalls in the 1/2 games and i've never seen them in anything higher. Hopefully this kind of play will stick around, and maybe i'll get lucky in the TOC coming up.

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