Thursday, September 25, 2008

So it's about time for an update...

Since Julian is finally napping a little more during the day I can somehow find the time to update this pathetic blog.

I have probably listened to all of the Fleet Foxes recordings straight through today, maybe 3 times. The albums are the kind that you just can't skip through. The NPR concert that was posted on their All Songs Considered podcast is absolutely unbelievable. So far their full length album is coming at number 1 for my pick of album of the year. It's been a pretty great year for music in my opinion. So many great new songs and artists.

I could easily explain what has been going on with my poker playing lately, but it would be easier to refer to old posts of me running horribly. Plus, not having the extra time to put in the necessary hours has made my bankroll dwindle. I am jonesin for some live brick and mortar games, but no one wants to run a game.

Mo and I have been trying to work out a schedule for Julian. So far he is really not cooperating. One night he will sleep for the most of the night, then the next he will act like a newborn. Whatever, he's great, and we will pull through this. Mo is a great Mom and has probably had it the hardest, with the least amount of sleep. I Love her more and more for this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good good good......