Thursday, April 27, 2006

$5.50 SnG Adventures Continued

Well the month is almost over and I am interested to see some results as i've kept track to a "T"! The $5.50 SnG's are full of absolute morons and it sure helps to have that to build a 'roll on. I am still staying within my bankroll in the SnG's, but I HAVE been playing some .25/.50 and .50/1.00 Triple Draw 2-7. I am a little sick about it, and although i've been winning, I know that it will take a couple bad nights to put me on tilt. But, I have been pretty good about staying pretty emotionless with the bad beats and the premium draws that just do not get there. That being said, I just do not understand the low limit TD players sometimes. I sat for about 2.5 hours the other night, and watched as the guy to my right repeatedly limped UTG and cold called raises with 2 and 3 draws. Now usually this is a tell-tale sign of a weak to moderate hand something like 345xx or just a 23xxx. The thing is, by just limping with these hands he is giving odds for other players to limp into the hand as well and take available cards. It's not like there is an endless supply of 23456 and 7's?!?!! The part that is really screwy is that this guy had won over 50BB's, and quite a few of them were from me! For example: I am in 2nd position with 248xx and moron UTG limps, I raise and BB calls and UTG moron calls. BB draws 2, moron takes 3! and I take 2. I catch 2348x, BB checks, moron bets, I raise (to drive out BB), BB folds, moron caps, and I call. Now he draws 3 again! I take one and blank out. Moron checks I bet, and he calls and stands pat! Now, I had seen this guy do the same type of thing with anything as bad as a rough Q, so I am feeling pretty good that I can beat him with any 5679, and I can't really snow him because he calls anything. I take 1 and catch #5 (23458), Gin i'm thinking! So he comes out betting (which again i'd seen him do and show down said rough Q high type hands), and I raise expecting him to fold or just call, sure enough he 3-bets, and just before I cap, i'm thinking he couldn't have made #1 right! Sure enough, we showdown his wheel vs my #5. The thing is, it's hands like these that make people use the term "luck" in reference to this game, but this guys play is sooo wrong on so many levels its almost unexplainable (at least until third street). Sure, he played the hand great once he had the lock perfect! But what about the play in the early streets? Unbelievable!

So, I will continue the SnG adventures and the bankroll rebuild. Personally, things have gotten a little better with the passing of my long-time friend. Deep down I know that he did not want us to morn for long and that he wanted us to get on with our lives. It's just hard sometimes. Things like using your cell-phone and calling people with names that start with "D" and realizing that you still have his phone numbers locked in your cell. And, emails, and UBuddy aliases, etc, etc. But it gets easier everyday. I'm sure that soon I will go a couple days without thinking about David, but that is just the way life is. He sure is looking down on all of us and smiling and "getting our back", I know this.

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