Friday, June 02, 2006

Not much to report - End of May

I guess the end of the month wasn't really "swingy" for me. After the debacle of drinking and playing poker, and learning my lesson...I have buckled down. I am thinking about focusing a little more on MTT play. I think with my last final table I figured something out about my game, at least in the $5 spot tourneys. I have sooooo much more to figure out about mtt play, and I hope to get some help from some of the plus one soon!

I am about 1/3 of the way to re-building my bankroll. I am trying to stay as positive about this as possible. My TD play (other than my over the bankroll play) has been outstanding, and I may even incorporate a little A-5 here and there, rather than focusing on ONLY 2-7. The end of the month was not very kind to me on the SnG front, but I made some mistakes that I have learned from.

Sunday I am leaving after my birthday party for Atlantic City. Mo and I are really looking forward to it! I am also looking forward to meeting up with Snadly and Snadly's Girl as well as NeccoWafers. It should be a great time, and hopefully profitable.

After the AC trip, I have contemplated putting some cash on a couple other sites again. It seems like I have this thought about every month or two. The real reason is that I want to get in on some of the action, and while I have been a very LOYAL customer to UB, they just do not have the player representation that the other guys have. It's not like I am going to take my $$ off the site, I just want to explore other opportunities like FullTilt or PokerStars...we'll see how AC is!

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