Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Xmas > New Years

Well, the year has come and gone, and man was it up and down. Whether it be poker related or just plain old life, the year of 2006 will not be forgotten. It seems that the "Best of 2006 Mix" was a hit. With every cd that I gave out, I also included a synopsis taken from that very post. So hopefully i'll get some more readers out of it. Even though this here little blog is really only an excercise for my own well being, I am always very entertained to read all of my other favorite blogs, so hopefully others will get a kick out of my thoughts and my life in general.

I actually made it to a final table! My last post I titled "I CAN make it deep...but can I win?". It's like a song from The Newgrass Revival..."Deeper and Deeper". This time I pulled down 3rd place, while holding on to the chip lead for the majority of the final two tables. I had some bad timing and a few questionable hands in the end, but I wasn't really dissapointed. I was playing some great poker, and along the way got quite drunk as well. But, when things are going well, why change? I think i'm starting to get the hang of the Pokerstars tournament format. In that I mean, I now know that if you can dodge a few bullets (I mean bad beats) in the early portions of the tourney, you can very easily make the money. These low-buy-in tourneys are full of WEAK players who are begging to give their chips away. My only complaint is that everytime I get a table where I end up with a nice stack, I get moved to another with all of the chip leaders. This time around I ended up with the majority of the stacks, but it was only after a few GREAT hands that I played. I will be posting some of them shortly.

Christmas was very fun as usual. Mo and I had one of the first holidays where in the end all we could say is "We're not doing that again!". We cut down our tree at the same tree farm we go to every year, although this year, we went a little later than years before.
We picked out a good one though! When we got in the room, it looked awfully small, but once we got some lights and ornaments on it, it looked amazing.
The finished product!

Soon after finishing the tree we went on to our outdoors decorations. Every year our complex does a "Deck the Deck" contest. Last year, we didn't even think they were doing it and we ended up with third place. This year, since we knew it was happening we worked extra hard and spent a little extra cash.

We were robbed...we claimed "rigged", but this got second place for $100! I even tried to bribe the judges, and Mo even gave them home-made cookies...oh well.

Just before New Years, Mo and I went out with our good friends Lisa and Angie. We've been trying to get out to the "Garden of Lights", which is a public park that puts on a light show completely non-secular. It was a little bit of a wait to get in, but it was pretty spectacular.
Mo and friends Angie and Lisa.

This year, as with every year since we've known each other, Mo and I went down to St. Michaels, MD to stay with her Sister and Husband. We went to the same restaurant, except it was very dissapointing. Despite having what may have been the best bowl of soup i've ever had.

After dinner we rushed home to ring in 2007 with are annual fireworks display off the dock of the Inn. This years fireworks were ridiculous. We were actually a little scared that the "5-0" might stop by, but they've got "bigger fish to fry". Hell, the hillbillies down there were shooting off their shotguns in the air!

Happy New Year!

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