Thursday, December 20, 2007

2007 Music Review

Every year, I buy a ton of cd's and downloads. This year was no exception. I started to keep a journal of everything that I purchased, noting 2007 releases, and any notes about the music in general. I love to give the gift of song to my family and friends, and hopefully they appreciate the music at least and possibly find a golden nugget they'd never heard of before getting a little snippet from me. It's the gift that keeps on giving, an obvious cliche'.

My Morning Jacket: Tennessee Fire, At Dawn, Chocolate & Cheese (EP), Early Recordings Chapter 1 - The Sandworm Cometh, Early Recordings Chapter 2 - Learning
After falling in love with the band and playing "Z", "Okonokos", and "It Still Moves" non-stop, I had to check out the earlier releases to see what I missed. Of these 5 albums, "At Dawn" was my favorite, with "Early Recordings Chapter 2 - Learning" coming in a close second. At Dawn I noted was much more acoustic tinged and laid back but with a great mix of songs, all of which have become classics. "ER Chp.2" was closely behind, but only because the recordings were not mixed as well. Great versions of Bermuda Highway, and I Will Be There When You Die, as well as neat covers, esspecially Erykah Badu's "Tyrone", which always seems to stay near the top of my top 25 songs most played playlist on the old 60 gig Ipod.

Zero 7: Simple Things
I waited way too long to get this album. Possibly one of my favorite songs of all time "In The Waiting Line", and just a great chill mix of songs that you can listen to from start to finish and not get bored, although I would assume that some people might need to be in the right frame of mind for this more "downbeat" music. I love it though!

The Beatles - Love
After listening to an NPR interview with the producer of this album, I had to check it out, plus I was going to be seeing the Cirque Du Soleil show in Vegas weeks later, which comes close to rivaling "O" least the music is better in my opinion.

Allison Krauss And Union Station: Lonely Runs Both Ways
A 2006 release that I had not gotten, classic AK collection of bluegrass, that was not as good as previous releases, but still enjoyable.

moe.: The Conch
A great start to the 2007 year of music. I was waiting patiently for this release because their last offering was quite innovative and excellent. The first song "Blue Jeans Pizza", knocks your socks off, and goes to show that this band can be so unique. The rest of the album had a few songs that I had heard played live, but the 4th track "Tailspin" has some great George Bush samples.

Walk The Line: Soundtrack
I bought this cd for Mo because I thought she really liked the movie (I thought it was good too!), and she was diggin on some Cash so I felt it would be a decent introduction to a quite extensive library of works.

Built To Spill: You In Reverse
If I had bought this cd in 2006, it would've possibly made it into my "Best Of 2006" Mix CD. I noted that it had a "progressive, indie-prog-rock, jam" flair, although at first listen I felt it was more Wilco'ish. After further listens, I don't really hear that as much anymore.

The Slip: Aliveelectric, Eisenhower
Occasionally, I would listen to Rhapsody and tune into the "jamband" channel while playing poker, and I heard an intense instrumental song from this band. Eisenhower easily should've been in the top 5 for best albums of 2006, and it should've been in my mix cd as well. The whole album is wonderful. Best songs include: Children of December, Airplane/Primitive, Even Rats, If One of Us Should Fall, Suffocation Keep, just get the album already!

Assembly of Dust: Recollection
I noted that this 2007 release from a band that describes their music as "hick-funk", sounded more like old school Strangefolk. Obvious great lyrics from Reid Genauer, I noted in my journal that there was "nothing spectacular, but enjoyable from start to finish", and while that might sum it up, this band really grew on me, and it may have been from getting a chance to see them in action at this years All Good Festival.

Arcade Fire: The Funeral, Neon Bible
Sometimes my Dad will surprise me and bring something to the plate that is completely off my radar. I had heard about this band, and shrugged them off. I'll admit, it's taken me pretty much all year to figure these folks out. I noted that they really sound like David Byrne meets Bowie. Neon Bible came out and I borrowed it from Dad, and it was almost infectious, but I was still not there. I guess I get it by now, but they are seriously the kings of indie rock these days.

Keller Williams: Dream, 12
Continuing with his tradition of one word album titles, Dream might be KW's most impressive album to date, as well as his most cohesive. Great collaborations, and although almost all of the songs I had heard multiple times, the guest musicians give the album a freshness that I had not heard since maybe "Laugh". I think it's the fact that he NEVER plays with anyone other then himself (no pun intended) why this is so. This year's concert of the year is tied between The WMD's (Keller's "side" project) and any number of performances from this years All Good. Later Santa would bring KW's "greatest hits" collection in 12. While I have every album, as a collector, I hate to not have the one "best of" album, even though I can just make a playlist. When Mo and I heard that he would be putting this album out, we had many talks about what he would choose to be the "top" cuts. We hit a few, but missed the majority. The bonus track "Freshies" was fantastic to see played live, and I was eager to hear his studio version.

The Hold Steady: Boys and Girls in America
Another album that would've made it to the best of 2006 cd if only I had remembered to give it more of a listen and a purchase before the end of the year. They try not to sound like the E Street Band in my opinion but don't do that great a job of it...this is not bad, and the songwriting is pretty good.

Dr. Dog: We All Belong
Every once in a while a band comes along that just works for you. When I first gave this album a listen, I jotted down in my notebook "good old-fashioned pop songs", and "heavy Beatles influence - great from start to finish", while I focused on the song Alaska as the favorite. Later I would analyze every single song on this album, and I really think it was one of the top 5 if not 3 of the year.

West Indian Girl: West Indian Girl
After finding out that we were to see this band at the All Good Festival, I had to check em' out, and was quite impressed. Unfortunately, Mo and I were unable to attend the show as we had to leave the campsite early. I still like the album as it is really chilled out, electronica-meets-rock-meets jam, or something along those lines.

STS9 (Sound Tribe Sector 9): Artifact
I remember hearing about this band when they first came on the scene when the techno-jams of the Disco Biscuits were just starting to surface. I later would see a neat couple of songs on concert-tv that really had me boppin' along. Unfortunately, I was not as impressed with their album as I was with their live show that they brought to the All Good Festival, with an amazing light show.

Zero 7 - Simple Things
I put off buying this album for way too long. Waiting Line may be one of my top 5 desert island songs. This album is just stunning, and is worthy of just about anyone's music collection.

Yo La Tengo - I Am Not Afraid Of You And I Will Kick Your Ass
While this album title is kind of humorous, the tunes are far from it. I had heard of these guys for a long time, but never brought myself to purchase. Once I had heard the song "Mr. Tough", I had to break down and buy it in April of 2007.

Page McConnell - Page McConnell
While I still believe this maybe the phishiest of all of the boys releases (other than Trey of course), although the one member that really impresses me since the break up has to be Mike. I was still eager to hear what he has been doing all of this time, and the album is pretty impressive. While it still has that "Vida Blue" charm, I can hear something pretty unique going on here.

Umphrey's McGee - The Bottom Half, Live At The Murat
Leftovers from last years fantastic "Safety In Numbers". I really hope that they can muster up the balls to put "Alex's House" on an upcoming studio release, because I would love to hear how a completely produced cut of this song would go. Live it works wonders, and even on this release, the choppiness gives it a neat aspect. I really could've done without Divisions, but I am pleased with the "geekiness" that the band knows it's phreaks take part in. And, with that, releasing their double cd "Live At The Murat", with it's collection of two nights may have driven some fans battty, but they picked some choice cuts. Luckily for me and all the rest of the geeks, if you pre-ordered it, you got a free download of one of my favorite live cuts "Partyin' Peeps", which I guess just did not fit on the cd.

ALO (Animal Liberation Orchestra) - Roses And Clover
I was so happy this band put out another great album this year. Why this band is not more popular I just don't understand?

Greyboy Allstars - What Happened To Television
This was one of the albums that I was most anticipating this year. It is solid from start to finish, with classic old-school hooks, and some different stuff mixed in which is why they are one of my favorite "jazz" bands out there...I mean if you could call them jazz, I can't think of anything better!

A Tribe Called Quest - Peoples Instinctive Travels And The Paths Of Funk And Rhythm
Somehow I misplaced this cd and I was jonesin to go back and re-discover this. I can still remember when i was about 13, buying this tape at Kemp Mill Records and nearly playing it out of whack. This probably my favorite rap album of all time.

De La Soul - Buhloone Mindstate, Three Feet High And Rising
Ditto, these two albums...classics, nuff said...

Ween - Quebec
I had never bought this album, and loved seeing them live.

Herbie Hancock - Village Life
I somehow scored a copy of this digitally, and I believe it is out of print. The story behind this album is that it came out to absolutely no acclaim. While the album is only 4 tracks and is completely improvised, it absolutely ethereal. The only players being Hancock and Foday Musa Soso, with Hancock on
a detunable Yamaha DX-1 synthesizer and drum machine and Soso on what calls a zither-like kora, vocalizing a bit and playing a talking drum. This is mesmorizing stuff....for the quiet times.

Black Sheep - A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing
Another favorite rap album of mine. Brings back the days of high school football in good old Springbrook's locker room.

The Bad Plus - Prog
This three-piece's version of Tears For Fears "Everybody Wants To Rule the World" is almost better than the original. I love how this band does their jazz versions of rock songs, usually at least on an album, but this album they let loose on a bunch of great songs, one of the best releases of 2007.

Wilco - Sky Blue Sky, Summerteeth
Easily got the most play of any album that came out in 2007. I may have listened to this straight through 5 times in a row before setting it aside for a day. I could pick any song and riff about how great it is and how well if fits into the album. All I can say is the new guitarist Nels Cline, fits right in and hopefully will be there to stay. Every once in a while an album comes along that has lyrics that fit into your life so well, you would think that you wrote the songs. That's this album for me, and is why I believe it was the best of 2007. I later got Summerteeth, just because I didn't have it, I mean, I have alll the rest, why not this one?

Bright Eyes - Cassadega
Conor Oberst may be this generations Bob Dylan, it might be a stretch, but he has some incredible lyrics. I have to go back into this guys catalog, because I hear that this album may not even be close to his best stuff.

The Beastie Boys - The Mix Up
Pass The Bong, not the Mic if you ask me. While the album gets a little stale after a while, I had a great 20 mile bike ride listening to this.

Ryan Adams - Easy Tiger
Another album that I was eagerly anticipating for the first half of 2007. This guy is a beast. He writes incredible lyrics and beautiful acoustic songs that are sometimes poppy and other times just straight folk, all in all another great album from an incredible musician.

Flight Of The Conchords - The Distant Future (EP)
When their full length release comes out in 2008, you can bet I will be listening that day. One of my favorite shows to watch all year. They are like a Tenacious D mixed with Stephen Lynch, with some ridiculous dry humor.

Elvis Perkins - Ash Wednesday
I guess you could say I got into some folk and singer/songwriters this year. This guy is all of that.

Trey Anastasio - The Horseshoe Curve
When Trey went out on his own, the first time, about 6 years ago, I thought I could never see Phish again, if this is what I have in it's place. This release is absolutely NOTHING like any of his previous releases which is a VERY good thing. Not that those were bad, but this is the real deal here, this is what I think of when I hear Trey outside of Phish. I love lyrics and all, but I never feel like I need to hear anyone singing when I listen to this cd. Good job Trey, not kick the habit and lets get back to the real drug in your

The Bridge - The Bridge
I didn't think I really liked this local band that much, but after seeing them a couple of times, they grew on me. I believe this was their first release, and it's actually a perfect introduction to them. I like that.

VHS or BETA - Bring On The Comets
Since I had worn out my copy of Eisenhower from The Slip, I was searching for something similar, and stumbled on these guys. At first I didn't really get it, but that was me being naive, and is why it took me this long to find them. If I had to categorize them it would be electronic-rock. But, it's probably more indie than anything. The songs are short and sweet, and after a few listens to the album as a whole, it gets a little repetitive, but there are some excellent individual songs on this album. I found that they even sound a bit new-wavey or even 80's-ish. But in a good way, besides, the songs are short and to the point and overall enjoyable.

Dave Matthews And Tim Reynolds - Live At Radio City Music Hall
While not as good as "Luther College", this release focused more on Dave's solo stuff I felt. I wrote in my journal...fine, same stuff, but still good. I could've used more of Tim Reynolds without his slide, but that is what you can find on Luther College. Their version of Old Dirt Hill, is fantastic.

Robert Plant And Allison Krauss - Raising Sand
Simply beautiful! How do these two make this work? One of the best of 2007. Listen to this one with some good earphones to really get what's going on here. OUTSTANDING!

Phish - 10/21/95: Pershing Auditorium, Lincoln, NE, Vegas 96
If there was one song that I could listen to over and over again, without it getting old, it would be this version of Reba from 10/21/95. I could go on and on about how great this song is. That being said, when Live Phish decided to release a soundboard of this show, I was ecstatic. This is by far my favorite phish recording ever. Thank YOU KEVIN SHAPIRO!!! When Mo, told me that she would be giving me Vegas 96 for a anniversary gift, I was unbelievably excited. Just look at what Phish has given the phans this year. The limited edition box set also came with a "Road To Vegas" cd that featured excellent versions of SOAM and TWEEZER from shows leading up to the Vegas run.

Radiohead - In Rainbows
Highly anticipated from the east to the west. And, giving the thing away, it's unbelievable that anyone wouldn't pay 10 bucks for this. Easily one of the top 3 albums of 2007, and more than 1/2 of the world didn't pay .01 for it. I have heard that if you play each track in between each track of OK Computer that it's like a sonic Wizard Of Oz/Dark Side Of The Moon, but I still haven't tried it.

Levon Helm - Dirt Farmer
What a story! And, what an album! Almost country, almost bluegrass, almost rock, but all good. One of the best of 2007 easily.

Christmas With The Rat Pack
I needed more Xmas music for the holidays, how can you go wrong with the Rat Pack?

White Stripes - Icky Thump
I waited so long before getting this album. It took me a little while to "get" what was going on with Jack White, but I got it. This album may be a bit different than his previous releases, but I like it more and more everytime I play it.

Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha
The year of folk and singer/songwriter remember? Well, thats what I thought this would be, but its not entirely. Eclectic seems the right word, and heavy as well. This album paired with Elvis Perkins may leave your head in a fog, which isn't bad, but beware...

Iron And Wine - The Shepherds Dog
Not your typical Sam Beam here, nope, we've got Calexico as well, and that put it as a must hear/buy cd for me. This was very surprising for me, considering that I really didn't like Iron & Wine at first. This is another best of 2007, probably top 5.

LCD Soundsystem - Sound Of Silver
I had heard such great things about these guys, and they don't dissapoint. North American Scum is one of the best songs of the year, the album isn't entirely my cup of tea, but it works here and there.

Band Of Horses - Cease To Begin
Why oh why does this happen? I wait until 10 days before the end of the year to buy one of the greatest albums put out all 2007. This would've filled my top 25 most played playlist on my Ipod and taken the place of MMJ (who I can never get enough of).

Okkervil River - The Stage Names
This was another one as above that I waited too long to get. I still haven't absorbed the whole album, but it has potential. It may be top 10 from what I hear so far, but there was just way too much stuff this year for me.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Last night as I waited for Mo to get home from her Grandmothers birthday party that I unfortunately could not attend, I saw the tail end of a 1984 science fiction movie called "Dreamscape". It was a movie that I had seen countless times when I was younger. The story is basically about an idea that you can control your dreams and enter other peoples dreams, in the end altering their existence. The story goes on that a group of assasins plots to assasinate the President of the US because he is having nightmares and they tell him that they can fix them. So I watched the last 40 minutes and remembered how much I loved it when I was growing up, although I don't exactly know why.

Fast forward to this morning when I wake up recounting my own dream from last nights deep sleep. I am sitting at The Bellagio eating dinner at one of their really nice restaurants. I know it is at the very least a casino because in the background all I can hear are the bells and whistles of slot machines and the shuffling of chips. Also, I determine that I am at The Bellagio because sitting beside me at the table are Barry Greenstein and Daniel Negreanu, who sit to the left and right of me respectfully, while across the table Patrick Antonius and Phil Ivey are talking over plates of lobster. Barry, Daniel, and I are talking poker, and specifically online pokers highest stakes games on Full-Tilt. Essentially Barry and Daniel tell me that although both Ivey and Patrick play in those games, Antonius in particular is a huge donkey! I agree with them both, telling them that calling off 3 million dollars on the flop of a pot-limit omaha game with only a flush draw can't be +ev.

Now I sit here trolling the pages of Cardplayer and realize that...holy crap...Chip Reese died last night!! While this was very saddening news to read, the only thought I had was, could Dreamscape be real? Who slipped into Chips dreams last night? Was it someone who he had put a bad beat on the night/day before? Someone who he owed money but could not pay? Regardless, it is definitely a bad-beat for poker. And while the poker community will mourn the loss, they will undoubtedly be left with quite a legacy of a gentleman in poker who some may say was the best in the world.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

TOC Coming Up!

Richards TOC is coming up. The final results for the year were pretty interesting:

1. MALNER - 308
1. PALLADINO - 308
3. R NASH - 304
4. CAMPBELL - 279
5. RYAN - 261
6. JAMFREEK - 252
7. DANNY - 211
8. PRINDLE - 208
9. GEORGE - 181
10. CLARDY - 179

Out of 16 tourneys that I was able to play, I cashed in 7, and won a bunch of those (at least 2-3). So that obviously contributed to my 6th place finish. The TOC should be fun, since I think we will start with a little more chips so we should have a bit more play. We are still trying to come up with a good name for our poker club. Most of the names that I've come up with I think have a nice ring, but the tournament director thinks otherwise.

Here's an intriguing hand from a Pokerstars Triple Draw game I was just playing in.

PokerStars Game #13430940709: Triple Draw 2-7 Lowball Limit ($0.50/$1.00) - 2007/11/24 - 00:22:52 (ET)
Table 'Hippokoon II' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: ($14.50 in chips)
Seat 2: ($13.10 in chips)
Seat 3: ($17.85 in chips)
Seat 4: ($18.65 in chips)
Seat 5: ($12.45 in chips)
Seat 6: jamfreek ($36.85 in chips)
Seat 1: posts small blind $0.25
Seat 2: posts big blind $0.50
Seat 5: posts big blind $0.50
Dealt to jamfreek [4s 2s 7d 9c Kc]
Seat 3: folds
Seat 4: calls $0.50
Seat 5: checks
jamfreek: raises $0.50 to $1
Seat 1: calls $0.75
Seat 2: calls $0.50
Seat 4: calls $0.50
Seat 5: calls $0.50

Lots of action, but a pretty loose game...standard raise from me

*** FIRST DRAW ***
Seat 1: discards 3 cards
Seat 2: discards 2 cards
Seat 4: discards 2 cards
Seat 5: discards 1 card
jamfreek: discards 2 cards [9c Kc]
Dealt to jamfreek [4s 2s 7d] [3s Kh]
Seat 1: checks
Seat 2: checks
Seat 4: checks
Seat 5: bets $0.50
jamfreek: raises $0.50 to $1 Raising for value and to try and get it heads up
Seat 1: folds
Seat 2: calls $1
Seat 4: calls $1
Seat 5: calls $0.50

HMMM, again it's pretty loose so I figure I can hit any 5/6/8 for a win...

Seat 2: discards 1 card
Seat 4: discards 1 card
Seat 5: stands pat CURIOUS
jamfreek: discards 1 card [Kh]
Dealt to jamfreek [4s 2s 7d 3s] [5s] GIN
Seat 2: checks
Seat 4: checks
Seat 5: bets $1
jamfreek: raises $1 to $2
Seat 2: calls $2
Seat 4: calls $2
Seat 5: calls $1

WOW! Sweet mulit-way pot and everyone is playing for a chop or drawing dead!

*** THIRD DRAW ***
Seat 2: stands pat OH MY
Seat 4: stands pat OH MY
Seat 5: stands pat OH MY
jamfreek: stands pat on [4s 2s 7d 3s 5s]
Seat 2: checks
Seat 4: checks
Seat 5: checks
jamfreek: bets $1
Seat 2: calls $1
Seat 4: calls $1
*** SHOW DOWN ***
jamfreek: shows [4s 2s 7d 3s 5s] (Lo: 7,5,4,3,2)
Seat 2: mucks hand
Seat 4: mucks hand
Seat 5: mucks hand
jamfreek collected $20.50 from pot
Seat 4: said, "nh"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $21 | Rake $0.50
Seat 1: (small blind) folded after the 1st Draw
Seat 2: (big blind) mucked [8h 3h 2d 4h 6h] This is the only hand that should be calling here
Seat 3: folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 4: mucked [4d 8s 5c 2h 7s]
Seat 5: mucked [7h 8c 6s 3d 4c]
Seat 6: jamfreek (button) showed [4s 2s 7d 3s 5s] and won ($20.50) with Lo: 7,5,4,3,2

That's about how it's been going for me in the TD games. You hardly ever see these kind of overcalls in the 1/2 games and i've never seen them in anything higher. Hopefully this kind of play will stick around, and maybe i'll get lucky in the TOC coming up.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


In two months we will have our Tournament of Champions for our little local poker club. For one year we have been playing two tournaments a month raking up points to get to the top 10 so that we can get a chance to win the big one. I have done pretty well and am in 6th place. It is a really great tournament structure that my buddy Richard has put together, but it is not without any normal problems. Things like guys who don't know automatic raise amounts, folding out of turn, etc. I still love the game and most of the players are friends, so its, well, friendly. Every tournament we give a little cash to the host for food, and there is always the perfect amount, and we give a little to a progressive jackpot. This past month one guy hit the jackpot for a second time when he hit quads on the river. Oh, and he's probably played about 6 of 20 tournaments thus far. He's a luckbox. Quads gets 25% of the jackpot, a straight flush gets 50%, and the royal gets 75%. At the end of the year, whatever money is leftover goes to the prizepool in the TOC.

Whenever I hit a dry spell playing online poker, I tend to cash out a chunk of my bankroll and play smaller and tighter. The past 3 months have been extremely profitable, so I can afford the opportunity to build back up. Thats the way it is in an action game like triple draw. I really wish I had the time to play more MTT's. Even though I get more tilted when I take a bad beat in tourneys, they don't hurt the bankroll as much as running bad in the TD game. What I need to do is set out one night a week where I play a tournament or two, and see how I do for a month. I feel like I have "lost it" a little, and really need to get back on my game.

This Sunday we are going to see Keller and the WMD's. I am really looking forward to this show. The last time we saw Keller with a band he didn't really play many of his own songs, and this should be interesting. I'll probably keep a setlist as usual.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I have disrespected this blog way too much lately. I have the time to post, I just shrug it off. So much has happened in the last month, so it's not like there isn't anything to talk about. How 'bout this? We're having a baby!! It's very early on, and so much can happen in these next few months, but we are keeping our fingers crossed that everything will be ok. We are extremely excited about this. How can't you be, you know? Everything happens so quick. So far it looks like we will have a baby in April. People ask me if I want a boy/girl, I always say i'll take "c"-healthy. Really that's all I care about. Mo has been really tired the last few weeks, but I guess that goes with the territory. At least we don't have to paint the baby's room....we got that out of the way early, and painted it a color that is pretty neutral.

So we found all of this out about two days before we were to go on our mini-vacation to Florida. Man did we get a lucky couple of days. Ft. Lauderdale in the summer can be hit or miss when it comes to the weather. It's hurricane season so it can get pretty dicey. Luckily, we got a great 4 days. It was so relaxing. The first night we got in a little later than we thought we would, but we stayed at the Seminole Hard Rock casino in Hollywood. We got a ridiculous room that we thought was reserved only for the high-rollers. It is a truly gorgeous hotel, and they have a really neat pool too. Complete with water slides and a mini beach. Unfortunately, the gambling gods must really be trying to teach me a lesson when it comes to live poker. They are telling me exactly that if I want to have a profit, I need to learn to quit. The thing is, I played really great but got unlucky in a couple of spots. Since the change in FL legislature, they now offer $100 max buy-in NL games, with blinds from 1/2 - 2/5. I sat down with two bullets in my pocket and bought in to a table that only had a couple players with stacks over $300. After about 10 hands I had already doubled up, and my stack had reached about $350 - 400 when this ridiculous hand happens: I had 67o in the sb. About 5 people limp for $2, so I complete. Flop is 458 with two spades...GIN! I bet $10, guy in middle position raises about $15. It folds around back to me and I ask him to move his hands so I can see how much he has, which is around $90. I push out a huge stack of chips (didn't count it, but guessed it was around $100), and he goes in the tank. I'm thinking, PLEASE FREAKING CALL!! Sure enough he calls and shows pocket 9's. I'm like...WEEEEEE....I never call there, and i'm in a ridiculous position... I am 90% to win here...turn 6, river 7...rigged ass live poker shit, shit, shit. So he's all like damn, I'm so sorry...blah, blah, blah, so I say since he's so sorry why doesn't he just give me my chips back.

I should've known this might not be my night when that kind of thing happens, but I shrugged it off and chipped back up steadily.Then about 30 mins go by, and I get about $30 of it back, when this ding-dong sits down two to my left. He raises a lot and plays loose for a bunch of hands and I think, god I'd love to take this guys stack. So this time i'm in the sb again and he's under the gun and raises to $10, a bunch of callers and I look at A8 of spades, so I go ahead and give it a shot. Theres like 4 players or so in the hand and the flop is 245 with the 2/5 of spades. Here I don't know if I should've bet or not, but I was inclined to go all the way regardless, so I didn't really care what anyone did, I felt like I had the best of it. So I checked (mistake?), ding-dong bets $20, everyone folds and it's back to me...$60 in the pot, I have to call $20 (3-1 pot odds), except I think I actually might have the best of it like I said...if he has a set, so be it, I have 8 outs, if he has an overpair...well, I have 4 outs for the straight, and 8 outs for the flush, plus if I have a live Ace, that's another 3...if he has something like top pair then my 8 is live too, so that would be another 3 outs. Best case I have 18 outs twice, worst case I have 8 outs i'm either 60/40 winner, or 40/60 dog...there was also the chance that this guy had complete AIR and I could get him to fold, it was a pretty weak bet you know. So sure enough I check-raise him all-in and he thinks for like 5 seconds! and calls showing K5o!! The board bricks out, and I lose about $100 from my stack...the worst part, the guy goes..."EWWWW, that must hurt....awww, too bad for you...looks like a busted flush draw....ew so I say to him, as my stomach is turning in knots and I am trying not to show my beet red face, "As a matter of fact my friend, it actually feels great to know that I was ahead when you makes me feel wonderful to know that I play better than you, so how does that feel?". So then I pretty much got up and left about 20 minutes later down about $80.

There are some tough games down there, and by tough, I mean juicy, but with that comes some ridiculous beats. Plus, the time rake there is god-awful. This is the first time I had ever played at a table with a timed rake, and at $6 a half-hour, you have to win some hands to show a profit. If I win those two hands I would've been up a good $500-$600 and most likely gotten up. But then again, who knows?

The good thing is that I am on a bit of a heater on 'Stars. I have almost hit my monetary goal for the year. And, the most of the profit has been mainly playing the 1/2 td games. Plus, I still have the WCOOP event #4 tourney in about 10 days.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

WCOOP event #4, Vacation coming

So I won a seat to the triple draw tournament in the WCOOP. It was another one of those wild rides that i've talked about in tournament poker. Surprisingly, this is only my second satellite i've played for a direct buy-in. I plan on playing a couple more and maybe trying to get into one of the other events. The main event this year has a ridiculous guaranteed prize pool. I guess it's worth a shot.

Since we bought our house this year, our only REAL vacation will be next week when we spend 4 days in Ft. Lauderdale. The first night I will get to check out the new and improved FL poker scene, and donk around a bit at there $1/2 NL tables. They changed their laws down there so there can be big bet poker, but the max-buyin's are only $100. We'll see how that goes. I've heard mixed results. Regardless, hopefully we won't see any hurricanes and we'll get to spend some time in the sun and have some cocktails. You know, escaping reality!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

All Good!

We left for our first music festival in 4 years at 1 pm. 10 hours later we would be sitting on top of a mountain listening to the Dark Star Orchestra give their rendition of October 29, 1977 Evans Field House - Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL. By the time we arrived to the center city of Masontown it was about 4pm and our stomachs turned in anxious butterflys. How was this weekend going to play out?

We sat for 2 hours, in line waiting to park at our campsite. Luckily the weather was holding up, in fact it was absolutely beautiful, and the sights were spectacular. By the time we arrived at our home for the next 3 days we couldn't wait to stretch our legs and set up camp. We were a little dumbfounded when we realized that we would be camping next to our cars, and basically right on top of everyone else. This was actually perfect because the thought of lugging all of our stuff up the mountain was ridiculous. With just a little bit of struggle we finally got our tent up and our air mattress filled. I made some quick notes on what to bring next time (ie. table, tiki-torches, glowsticks for the tent ties, etc). We ate our prepared kabobs of which we cooked on our mini-grill, and with full stomachs headed up to the Ropeadope stage for the beginning of Dark Star Orchestra. By the second set, we had had enough music for the night, and were actually quite chilly. We headed down to the tent for some much needed sleep, but not before making a quick stop at our weekend nemesis...the portapotty.

Friday was to begin with our neighbors blasting Phish and bong hits at 9am. These guys (and one girl) would turn out to be some hardcore partiers, esspecially early in the morning. We made some pancakes and waited to head over to the concert ground. They finally cleaned the portapotties by 2pm and we were ready. Our first show would be Mo's favs, The Pietasters. From what she could remember, we jotted down the setlist which looked like this:
Let's spend the night together
Biblical Sense
"new album song"
I got something better
Girl Take it Easy
Maggie May

There were a few others that she couldn't remember, but all in all it was a good show. Yonder Mountain String Band would be next up and we were quite excited. It was the weather that we were not getting excited about. As one of the opening bands were finishing their set, I could see the staff wrapping the lights with plastic bags...uh oh. The clouds were getting darker and darker, and swirling in. As YMSB came on we knew it wouldn't be long, luckily we were semi-prepared with one The setlist that I jotted down looked like this:
Hill Country Girl
Damned If The Right One Didn't Go Wrong
Night Out
Belle Parker
Rambler's Anthem
Kentucky Mandolin
The Bolton Stretch
Angel >>>
Follow Me Down To The Riverside >>>
Angel >>>
Years With Rose

By the time "Ramblers Anthem" kicked in, one of my favs, the rain came tumbling down. I mean, it poured and the thunder and lightning just made things better. Mo left to the camp to get more supplies, and unfortunately missed "Holding" one her favs, and one song that we had been listening to while waiting in our car to get into the campsite the day before. The rain let up and the skys opened up to perfectly blue skys by the time the encore began and I could finally start to dry out.

We got to see some of the band Love Whip and also a bit of the Steel Pulse set. We sat through Wil Hoge waiting for what would turn out to be the show of the weekend: Keller and the Keels.

We've seen Larry Keel, Jenny Keel, and Keller "Keel", a couple times in the past, and we knew what they had in store for us. There set that night was probably the best we've seen. The setlist looked like this:

Crater In The Backyare
Faster Horses? (Larry Song?)
Mary Jane's Last Breakdown
Take Me Home, Country Road
Kidney in a Cooler
Mountain Song
Doobie In My Pocket? (new Keller song we had not heard)
New Horizons (w/ Jeff Austin of YMSB on Mandolin)
Freeker By The Speaker
Another Brick In The Wall->
Inside Out (Eve 6)
All Fall Down -> Culpeper Woodchuck
Loser (Beck) -> Loser (GD) (w/ Bob Weir)
Dupree's Diamond Blues (w/ Bob Weir)

The song of the night was definitely Doobie In My Pocket > New Horizons. "Doobie" is a classic Keller song, with all of his jovial lyrics and real life story telling. But, the New Horizons was especially hot, as an all-out glowstick war, a'la Phish's Harry Hood, took place. People were throwing them by the 10's and it made for some awesome visuals.

I don't remember much of the next set (Lotus), but I like them enough to warrant buying their latest cd. They play a nice mix of jazz/electronica that is just beautiful. Ratdog had me up and dancing and singing along. I have mixed feelings about Bob Weir though. I mean everyone loves Bobby, but at some points I feel a little like he is "phoning it in", so to speak. What made the set so great, in my humble opinion, was Steve Kimock who was filling in for the bands regular guitarist Mark Karan. Kimock is amazing, plain and simple. And, I think he carried the band. He makes noises that, if you closed your eyes, you would swear it was the ghost of Jerry coming through the amp. But, he doesn't just imitate Jerry, he makes his sound his own and expands on it exponentially. The set was pretty damn good though, and I wasn't complaining, although I was getting a little chilly and tired. Benevento/Russo Duo was up next and played a quick set that hit on all cylinders. But what I was really waiting for was the STS9 late-night set. A little after 2am, they hit the stage, and the fog that was setting in during "The Duo's" set, left a blanket that the lighting engineer really took advantage of. If only I could keep up with these youngsters, this may have been the MUST SEE set of the weekend. Alas, my eyes had become blurry, and I started to feel a little bad that Mo was back at the tent all alone. I did have to stay just to see those lights for a little while. The walk back to the camp was surreal. The fog was so thick that you could hardly see 4 ft. in front of you. And, the tweakers stumbling to and fro made me chuckle and remember the days that my buddies might have done the same thing...out of mind, in some kind of substance.

Saturday had us going back and forth to the concert area a couple of times. Our first stop was The Assembly of Dust's set, which, at 1pm, was the perfect setting for some down-home hick-funk. I've stated before how much I love Reid Genauer's lyrics. He played my favorite song "Speculator" and it was extremely fitting. We saw a little bit of Grace Potter's set...she is trying to be Janis Joplin sometimes, but I get it. She can pull it off, she's got a great voice and a nice little backing band to boot. We skipped Les Claypool. It seemed like everyone wanted to see him. I can take him or leave him. We wanted to save our energy for a long, late night. Michael Franti came on at 9pm, and he started his set out with a little video of his song "It's Time to Come Home". All of it set to George Bush's spliced in lyrics. Pretty funny actually. There set looked like this:
Time to go Home
Sometimes >
Hey Now Now
Taxi Radio
East to the West
Please Take Me Home
Sweet Little Lies
Stay Human
People in the Middle >
Red Red Wine
Nobody Right, Nobody Wrong
Rock the Nation
What I Got >
Theme from Sesame Street >
What I Got
Light Up Ya Lighter
I know I'm Not Alone
Yell Fire!
One Step Closer to You
Everybody Ona Move

One day I swear I am going to play a drinking game and do a shot everytime Michael Franti yells "How you Feelin?"! Moe.'s set was another highlight of the weekend. They played a very old skool set with many songs from their first, second and third albums. This was not dissapointing in the least bit. I've seen many reviews online where the moe.rons claimed it was one of the best ever. There setlist looked like this:
Rebubula >>>
32 Things
Spine of a Dog >>>
Rebubula >>>
Plane Crash
The Pit >>>
Rebubula >>>
Crab Eyes

Rebubula just kept rearin' it's pretty little head! What followed was the All Star Jam, but again...I guess I'm getting old. Oh well. As Kenny Liner's beat boxing kicked in, my walk "home" was in sync to the tunes. Good times.

By Sunday morning, it was pretty apparent that we were definitely not in it for the long haul. Mo and I were pretty much done. I made the statement "I think we've gotten this out of our system", and we made our way home. We couldn't wait to take showers and sleep in our beds. All worthwhile endeavors!

Friday, July 06, 2007

What a ride...

A couple notes on the last few tournaments i've played.

Firstly, I played in the monthly local game that my buddy Richard has at his "poker dungeon", and lost a race about an hour in that left me with less than 7 times the big blind. In his tourney set up, at this point it is usually crucial to just jam the hell out of the game to try and pick up blinds and get back to above 10 BB's. I luckily and unluckily had a ridiculous rush of cards, when it all started.

This is how it went. With a little less than the starting chips (10,000), I am in the BB with the blinds at 200/400. An early position player that I know well, opens for just over 4K and is all-in. It folds around to the button who is agonizing over his decision. I immediately think he has a semi decent Ace and is having trouble folding. He folds after much deliberation, and it comes around to me. I squeeze AK suited. I now have to figure things out. Firstly, I know the player who jammed will ship it with just about any "blackjack" hand. He plays that stuff frequently, although he could easily have a smallish pair. I think for about 20 secs. and figure I am either way ahead or flipping coins. My only problem is I may have one of my outs gone since the button basically gave away his hand. If I fold, I give him only 600 chips and really don't lose anything. But if I call and win i've got a nice size stack to start pushing people around a bit (bully chips). If I lose, I am down to 10 times the BB and feel like I can still get somewhere. I decide to gamble and say "I call". He turns over pocket nines and I immediately say to the button, "you folded an Ace didn't ya?". Of course he says he had AT. Even worse, the SB states that he had one of my Kings as well. So now I am down to 4 outs and some flush possibilities. I brick out and have to go to grinding.

Next hand of course the blinds go up because the guy on the button in the last hand had to take 5 minutes to fold AT, so we are at 300/600 and I am in the SB. It gets folded around and I look down at 67o. It's not a great hand, but I feel like I can just call and if the BB decides to get silly with my small stack I can still fold and be ok. He checks and we see a flop of J 4 5 rainbow. I go ahead and ship it in and he folds. "Cool", I say and rake in the extra 600 chips.

Next hand sees one middle position, semi-solid player limp in and I look down at QQ on the button. I smoothly, without saying a word shift my single column stack across the felt, signalling that I am all-in. The blinds fold and the limper deliberates. I try to act as though I am making a move, and don't want a call. I am thinking to myself that he must think this is bs going all-in two hands in a row. But, he folds. Whatever, there's another 1200 chips. That totals 1800 chips without a showdown.

Very next hand, folds around to me in the cut-off and I squeeze AQ of diamonds. With the exact same movements, I move my slightly larger column to the center without a word. The BB says, call rather quickly, but a little painfully. He shows AQo and we end up chopping. Fine, I think, theres another 500 chips (now at a total of 2300).

Finally the last hand comes down. This time it's folded around again and I look down at AQo. Here is where my decision to jam may have been a little off. This would be essentially 5 hands in a row that I would be either going all-in or calling an all-in. This time the player to my left wakes up with QQ and I am out and ship him almost 7K in chips. Looking back, it was definitely enough chips to make a raise with and maybe release, but it would've been hard.

The other night I played a $16 turbo SnG on Pokerstars. I have been playing a bunch of these and I actually really like them. It doesn't hurt that I have been doing pretty decent in them as well. But this one was pretty funny, and sums up the play and basically the title of this blog.

After exactly 31 hands of 82o, J4o, 23o, I was down to about 1000 in chips with the blinds at 100/200, and I have 6h8s utg. I decide this isn't my tourney and just decide to make an early exit. I push all-in and get called by the shorter stack who turns over AJo. I lose the hand and am down to 85 chips and am all-in on the next hand. I get AJo this time and end up winning against the sb who has J5o. Now I'm up to 170 and am in the sb the next hand. I have A2o and the pot is raised and I just go with it since I only have 70 more. I'm up against AT, the board bricks until the river comes the marvelous 2, and I now have 510 chips. Hey this isn't so bad sucking out for once (or so it seemed). I still had no aspirations of doing that well, but figured what the hell, the poker gods must be on my side for once. The next hand I must fold since the second short stack now goes all-in, and on the very next hand I push with K3 of hearts. The BB reluctantly makes the call for only 310 more and shows K2o. I hit a flush draw on the flop, a 3 on the turn and finish my draw with the heart on the river and am now up to 1120 chips. I fold the next hand and then the antes hit.

We are at 100/200/25 and I am now utg with A4d and I jam. Everyone folds. Wonderful! Now up to 1570. I fold the next 6 hands until I am down to 1120 and push all-in utg +1 with 83cc, the blinds have now gone up to 200/400/25 since everyone is playing slowly. Folds around. Now at 1870. 2 hands later I am in the BB w/ A6o and the utg shortstack player jams for 525 more, I have to call and he shows AT and wins. Back down to 895. Now in the sb I jam into a limper with J9o, he calls for only about 400 more with 44, I hit a 9 and am back up to 2200. A couple hands later I jam QJo and win blinds and antes, now at 2965 and am second in chips. I then call an all-in with A2 for 1000 or so chips and win when a 2 hits the flop and a A hits the turn (he showed T4o). Now at 4550 and chip leader with 5 left! Two hands later I make a standard raise w/ A9o and win the blinds and antes. Boom! 5550 now! I end up having to call an all-in in the bb for 350 more with 34o and lose. At this point the 3rd place player is now sitting out to my right and I just steal chips. We finally get to 3 handed after the guy sitting out failed to show up and was blinded off (he was at one time the chip leader with 9K in chips!). I chop a pot with A high against another small Ace. When we get to headsup after a funny hand where the 3rd place guy had 10 chips left after his ante and blind goes all-in with AA and I have J9 and flop a straight I have a demanding chip lead 4-1. I give away some with a call of an all-in with AT and he beats me with AK. But I end up taking it down when my J8o runs into 99, but I turn a J and we are a bit richer. I guess that's exactly what "Chip and a Chair" is all about, but for me it was one hell of a ride!

Monday, July 02, 2007

It's gonna be ALLL GOOOD in less than 2 weeks!

Here's my schedule for the All Good Festival:
Thursday Night - Dark Star Orchestra 9pm

Friday - The Pietasters - 5:20pm
Keller and The Keels - 9:15
Bob Weir and Ratdog - 11:30
Benevento - Russo Duo - 1:15am
STS9 - 2:00 am

Saturday - Assembly of Dust - 1:15pm
Perpetual Groove - 2:30
Grace Potter and The Nocturnals - 3:45
New Monsoon - 8:25
Michael Franti and Spearhead - 9:00
moe. - 11:15
The Slip - 1:15am
All Good Allstar Jam hosted by moe. - 2:00am

Sunday - Sam Bush - 1:15pm
West Indian Girl - 2:30
Leftover Salmon - 5:10

Should be a ridiculously fun weekend. I'm not sure if Mo is going to be up for that much music, but, I don't know if I am going to be able to handle it either. The last time we camped at a festival like this saw us leaving a little early because of the crazy people camping next to us that stayed up all night banging on their drums and talking about how Trey had some kind of machine installed in his guitar that made him play the solos so good. And, who could forget that they would refer to "good" bluegrass as "psychograss". I wonder if they knew that there was really a band that was actually called psychograss...hmmm.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Ok, here's what's been going on...

Things have been so crazy in life these days. It's been over a month since my last post and I would go through all of the crazy ups and downs, but it's better to start with a clean slate and just glance over the last month and a half.

1. We bought our first house and moved to Elkridge. Pictures to come.

2. I picked myself out of the hole I was in poker wise.

3. I got a bunch of new cds that are awesome.

4. I went to Atlantic City and couldn't scoop one pot in limit hold'em.


A couple of years ago, before Mo and I got married, we looked into buying a house. At the time interest rates were excellent, but our income was not where we wanted it to be in order for us to get something that we really liked. So we decided to wait it out. Unfortunately, as everyone knows, interest rates went up, but luckily the housing market took a little bit of a dip. We were able to get a decent rate and found a beautiful townhouse in Elkridge, MD. We love it. It has a walk-out basement that is my little "dorm-room" as I like to call it. The second level is perfect for entertaining as the kitchen is very large and opens into the living room. We have painted a couple of rooms (bedroom/basement), and have plans to paint the dining room. I'll post pics soon!

I had about two and a half months of straight losing poker. Triple draw is a game of BIG SWINGS and quite possibly more TILT than any other poker game there is. Luckily, since this is not the first bad run that I have had playing this game, I knew what was going on, and was able to emotionally handle it. Basically I dropped down to the lowest possible stakes and played a few more SNG's and was able to build back up to right around where I was before the drop. I am extremely happy about this, but it's a learning process. I so badly want to play in the TD 2-7 WSOP tournament, but my bankroll wouldn't be able to handle it, nor would my wife! Not that I blame her, I mean we haven't even paid our first months mortgage yet!

I can't say enough about the new Wilco album: Sky Blue Sky. Sometimes a record will come out that just fits perfectly into your life. Lyrics and music that either lift your spirits or speak to you in ways that a psychiatrist or counselor or friend cannot. This one is it for me. Don't you just love when you can put on a cd and listen to every single song straight through without hitting the skip button?
I've also said plenty about Dr. Dog's: We All Belong. Buy it...'nuff said!

Well not really, but I am beginning to think that The Tropicana is the worst place for me to play limit poker. It just so happens that the times that I am able to go play in a casino, my funds are too short to play and No-Limit...ugghh if they only had 2-7 tables. I've run bad in casinos before, but this last trip really messed with my mind. Mo says I never win in casinos and that I should just stick to online. The thing is, I know I am playing perfectly, it's just variance, yadda yadda. But, after this many times playing in casinos (Vegas and AC) it's like it's time for me to hit it big. Of course, I was almost there this past Feb. in Vegas, but I got greedy and stupid. It's got to come around some time right?

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Latte Factor...

David Bach wrote about the Latte Factor in his best selling book about getting rich and how to make it happen. I know for sure that my "latte" is music. One of my new years resolutions was to keep track of my purchases better. I just have to face it, I spend a lot of money on cd's, mp3's from Itunes, Concert DVD's, and the like. It's only May and I have spent around $300 on music. Last year I took advantage of some of the local used CD stores, and sold some old stuff and bought some old stuff so I probably didn't spend that much. But, I would have no idea the exact amount if anyone asked...hence the resolution.

The thing is, I don't want to stop. It's my' one of my obsessions. Anyway, there's just too much to talk about!

I should've bought The Slip's most recent release, "Eisenhower", before Christmas because it would've made my top albums of 2006 list. In fact, I think it was definitely the album that is the most underrated. The fact is, I had heard one song (Children of December), and procrastinated in buying the full album. They used to be much more of a "jamband" (I tend to hate that label), but they have done a 180 (or more of a 90) and gone to more of an indie rock feel. But, back when they were getting their jam-on they were more in line with The Disco Biscuits or STS9, etc. Their album "Aliveelectric" shows much of this off...long, drawn out, atmospheric, jams that enlightened the senses. This was all very good. I was not a huge fan of their sister album "Aliveacoustic". So, since I had tickets to see My Morning Jacket, and The Slip was opening for them, I had to wait it out and reserve judgement until after I had seen them live. The fact is, I was dissapointed. Looking back, I think I did it all wrong. This is a band that you have to know the songs from the album a little to really appreciate what they are doing on stage. So for the past couple of months, this album has taken over much of my Top 25 Most Played on my Ipod. The first 4-5 songs on the album are where it's at, but the whole thing just doesn't dissapoint.

Keller Williams came out with an excellent new album this year entitled "Dream". He's sticking with his one word titles, and this is another excellent album, chock-full of fantastic guest musicians. "Got No Feathers", so far is my favorite song on the album. KW is joined by John Scofield on guitar, and it is unlike anything he has done before.

I'll list my latest purchases soon, but those two have gotten the most "air-time" in my travels. Of course, I can't forget to pimp Dr. Dog, because that is my pick of the best album of the year. Or, at least the best "newcomer of the year".

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Wussa Hoppenin...

They say time flies when you're having fun. I wouldn't say that the whole month has been "fun", but it sure has flown by. So much is going on I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Everything Else!

Oh yeah, that's how it works, first you decide to do this whole blogging thing, then you come up with a name for your personal online diary. What is the reason you are doing this? Interests? Hobbies? Vanity? Etc, etc, etc. I guess that's where to begin. That's a good concept to think about to the would-be-blogger, when all else fails, and you can't think of anything to write about...look at the name of your blog.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

More Dr. Dog, More Music

Ok, seriously this album is awesome. Lush harmonies and a sweet, fun-loving sound. I mentioned that these guys sound a lot like The Beatles. Well, I don't know if it's just their production on their newest release (they used a 24 track - thats all), or maybe it's the harmonies, but thats exactly what they sound like. Maybe with a mix of The White Stripes and The Mother Hips. My only complaint is that the album clocks in at just over 38 minutes. I absolutely HATE it when bands do this. Maybe it's not the band itself that makes the decision to short-change the audience, but everyone and their mother knows how much data fits on a CD. Add some downloadable videos or something! Anyway, from what I can tell, this Philly based band got a big push from My Morning Jacket's frontman, Jim James (shocking I know), when after being given a tape, he asked them to tour with them in their opening slot. I just can't stop listening to it!

The All Good Music Festival has released their preliminary lineup for 2007. Mo and I are about 99% sure that we are going. I just realized that the dates coincide with my other passion (poker, or more specifically the WSOP), but there pretty much isn't a very good chance that I will take part in it. This will be the first time that Mo and I have taken part in this festival, which, while camping sounds fun, may turn out to be 2-3 days of hellish looking wookies keeping us up all night, every night. The fact of the matter is, this lineup is stellar:

Bob Weir & Ratdog
moe. (plus late night all-star jam)
Keller Williams (with or without WMD's?)
Michael Franti and Spearhead
Les Claypool
Yonder Mountain String Band
STS9 (Sound Tribe Sector 9) (Late Night Set)
Tea Leaf Green
Perpetual Groove
Assembly of Dust
PBS (Porter, Batiste, Stoltz)
Soldiers of Jah Army
New Monsoon
Wil Hoge
West Indian Girl

Thursday Night - Early Arrival Performances
Dark Star Orchestra
Ozric Tentacles

Not that I absolutely HAVE to see anyone else, but if they added Umphrey's McGee I think think this festival would be complete. I know for sure that they will be adding a bunch more acts. I'd go for any and all of the following: Medeski, Martin, and Wood - Martin Sexton - Honkytonk Homeslice - My Morning Jacket (probably not going to happen) - John Scofield - Railroad Earth - The Greyboy Allstars - Soulive - ALO (Animal Liberation Orchestra) - Xavier Rudd - Leo Kottke - Benevento Russo Duo - Trey Anastasio (again wishful thinking here, plus played last year)...I guess I could go on and on...hell of course at this time I wouldn't mind seeing Dr. Dog on this list as well.

Speaking of this fine list of talents, another really cool band, that IS playing this year, is West Indian Girl. I have been intrigued by these folks for a little while. I stumbled upon them searching out electronica music like Zero 7. "West Indian Girl" was apparently a strain of LSD, how "heady" is that? Their website is actually pretty cool, and it has lots of videos. I really like this sound. Critics call it "Electronica", but I wouldn't want to lump it into that genre specifically. To me, it sounds like down-beat, lounge, trip-soul.

Finally, my father hooked me up with the latest Arcade Fire CD "Neon Bible", and although I am not all the way through it, I am having a hard time figuring out why HE likes them. I can't really figure out if I even like them, and you would think that my tastes in music, while similar to his, would be The lead singers voice sounds to me like a rip-off of David Byrne, which was what I thought of after listening to their first album "The Funeral". Both albums have been critically acclaimed, but it might be too experimental for me. There are many, many, fine songs on both albums, but the music is just not my cup of tea. I do find that the album is well put together, and I could easily listen to the whole thing without skipping a song, nor wanting to turn it off. But, if given the choice between this band or Dr. Dog, i'd go with Dr. Dog. I can't explain it, but maybe I will enjoy the band more after multiple listens.

Friday, March 09, 2007

New Band Alert - I think this is a good one!

Not the greatest website, but check out Dr. Dog. Their new album is called "We all Belong", and you can hear clips of some of their songs. I REALLY like this band. They have a very "old-timey" sound, but in a good way. This album almost could pass for a George Martin produced record from, say...1968 or so. Anyway this is another band that will be at, what looks to be an epic, Bonnaroo. I think, besides the inaugural show back in 2002, this looks like the best one, imho.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Masochism and "The Sweat"

Theres something about lowball poker. I have heard it said that the game is for masochists. The dictionary defines MASOCHIST as "someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment". This can be no closer to the truth. Even when I get to play the game live for nickels and quarters with friends, I still have to "set my hand" so that when I have a draw like 7432x, I have to "sweat" that last card i'm drawing to. It's just a longing for the feeling of peeking at the corner of that beautiful 5, giving you the nuts. It happens on every "street" and in every poker game.

You see the pros do it on tv. Hellmuth is famous for the way he looks at his cards, and there's a reason for it. When he peels that first card and puts his thumb over the corner, I know exactly what's going through his mind. And, the best part is that you get to do it again on your second holecard. That's one of the things that can make the game so enjoyable over a long period of time..."the sweat". In hold'em, you get the rush twice, and usually it's the second that is the most profound. When you see the first card is a six of spades, depending on your position and the texture of the table and what has gone on, you can hope for a 4, 5, 7, 8 or an Ace of spades, and finally another six giving you a "pair in the hole". The pros take it one step further...which they always seem to do. They call it "2 across" and "4 across", they see "paint" and make themselves guess at the hand, without actually looking at the whole card. What is it about this game that makes people come up with all of these unpleasantries, yet be so gratified about them?

When I play 2-7 triple draw online, I have to set my hand in order for the cards that I am drawing for to "fill" my hand. This is contrary to the more standard approach of setting your hand in order, lowest to highest like in a game of gin. It's almost become a lucky charm sort of thing. If I can't set my hand so that the cards fill, I am just not as eager nor am I confident that the hand will come to fruition.

After playing as many hands as I have in this game, the beats don't hurt as bad, and that relates to going on tilt. Everyone has a threshold, and it's hard to not let it get to them. I've had more #2's beat by #1's than I care to imagine. But those are the ones you remember, not all of the times you were able to put the beat on someone else. That is what I strive to remember everytime I sit down to play a session of lowball.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

January, Vegas and Music

So January was quite a month poker-wise. I had easily one of my best $$ results online and live. The home games were juicy, and the triple draw games on 'Stars, while always up and down, were for the most part extremely lucrative. Thanks to the good ole' DOJ, I cashed out a nut or two, but that hasn't really stopped me from playing.

Then comes February and the trip to Vegas. Every year we have a convention in Las Vegas for the flooring industry. It is a long trip out and a very hectic week. Basically up at 7am'ish every morning, walking miles and miles all day, then back to your hotel around 5:30pm and straight to sales dinners. I usually got back to my room around 9:30 or so. Obviously this doesn't leave that much time for the tables. But of course anyone can make time right? My first night playing at Caesars Palace was interesting to say the least. I had originally had a plan of playing their 11pm nightly tourney, a $70 buy-in. So I get to the room about an hour and a half early and decide to bring $200 into a 1/2NL game. I had every intention at this point to get up in exactly one hour and register for the tournament. Well, an hour later my stack was monstrous (for my standards anyway) at around $750. I saw the tournament getting ready, looked at my pathetic table, and figured this was a table that just doesn't come around that often. So I decided to not play in the tourney and stick to this cash game. BAD IDEA. Immediately following that decision I got sucked out on, on the river for about a $250 pot. I pushed the turn ahead, obviously. That pot had me down about $100-150. Then I constantly would bet into smallish stacks that would either double up through me because they hit their 3 outers on the turn/river, or would force me to call because of pot-odds. Thirty minutes later i'm up maybe $150, and I find KK in the sb. 6 limp for $2, and I pop it to $20 (maybe too small a bet...but it was the standard raise even with limpers). I get the one guy that I don't mind calling, although he was the guy who sucked out on me for the $250 pot, and we see a flop of A Q T with two spades. I HATE this flop, but I do have the K of spades, and a inside straight draw. I bet out $40 and the guy immediately raises all-in for about $160 more. I fold...he tells me KTo...whatever...good read on his part I guess. Then we get a seat filled by a VERY good local young player who says that he normally plays the 2/5 game, but there isn't one going. He proceeds to run over the table (much like I had done early in the game). But, this guy was pretty damn good. He was calling out peoples cards...a regular Negreanu. He pegged my AK at one time, and even though I knew that he knew, I knew that he was going to call me because I didn't have enough...I know that doesn't make that much sense, but this is stream of conciousness here people. So about 1/2 hour later I get felted, pushing in with a K high flush draw that doesn't get there.

The next night I decide to play the same game, at the same casino. Except, this time, it's a brand new table, and it hardly ever stays full. I play terribly, and get felted for another $200 by 2:00am.

Fun time, regardless of the results. I am still up for the year, and I wouldn't even bring $400 bucks to Vegas if I couldn't stand to lose it. I am VERY proud of myself for not playing any table games though...first time ever!

I have about $60 I am going to spend on new music this week. I have my eye on a few 2006 releases that I never got around to buying last year. The Hold Steady is one of them. This band is intriguing. Maybe a little to "E-Street" sounding, but only in all of the good ways. I am still waiting for someone to put out an upcoming music releases website. Maybe thats something I could've done about 10 years ago. I would probably pay $5 a month for something like that.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Preliminary Oscar Picks

Mo and I pride ourselves as professional movie watchers from time to time. Every year our friend Brian holds a little Oscar party/pool, usually for $20 or so. We have never won any money, despite our studying year 'round. What little of the Golden Globes that I watched, I had a good read on the winners, so I am going to pick em' early for the Oscars, that way if need be, I can change my picks.

Actor in a leading role:
Forrest Whitaker - Last King Of Scotland
Mo and I just saw this, and I think this one is a no-brainer.

Actor in a supporting role:
Eddie Murphy - Dreamgirls
I have not seen Dreamgirls, but I just think this is who will win at this point. I really would rather see Arkin (Little Miss Sunshine), Hounsou (Blood Diamond), or Wahlberg (The Departed) win.

Actress in a leading role:
Helen Mirren - The Queen
Another one that I haven't seen, but the buzz just points to this one.

Actress in a supporting role:
Abigail Breslin - Little Miss Sunshine
Don't know if this is a "sleeper pick" or not, but I'm pretty sure she won't win...but I gotta go with my gut, plus out of all of the movies nominated in this category, this is the only one i've seen. I wouldn't be surprised if Jennifer Hudson wins though (Dreamgirls).

Animated Feature Film:

Art Direction:
Pans Labyrinth
I have a good feeling about this movie, even though I have not seen it yet. This is another one that could go to Dreamgirls though, but again, i'm sticking with my gut.

The only nominee I've seen was The Illusionist, and I didn't find the cinematography to be all that great.

Costume Design:
Another tought one, that could go to just about any of the nominees imho. It wouldn't be a stretch to pick any of them, but preliminary pick has me leaning towards The Queen, with a nod to Marie Antoinette (which is what I would like to see win).

The Departed
Seriously, it's time for Marty to take one down. Wouldn't be surprised to see Clint Eastwood take it (Letters from Iwo Jima).

Documentary Feature:
An Inconvenient Truth

Documentary Short:

Film Editing:
The Departed
I'm hoping this film takes at least two or three awards, but I think Babel might get this one too.

Foreign Language Film:
Pan's Labyrinth

Pan's Labyrinth

Music (Score):
The Queen

Music (Song):

Best Picture:
The Departed
This is a tough one, as always. But I do think this was the best out of them all. I would love to see the little low budget indie flick take it (Little Miss Sunshine), but this will has to!

Short Film (Animated):

Short Film (Live Action):

Sound Editing:
Flags of our Fathers

Sound Mixing:

Visual Effects:
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Mans Chest

Writing (Adapted Screenplay):
The Departed
God do I want Borat to win!!

Writing (Original Screenplay):
Little Miss Sunshine

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Quick One

So, a little while ago I was going to post a bunch of hands from the tournament that I took 3rd in, but I went over them, and aside from a few well timed plays, it wasn't all that interesting. I have them all saved still so if I feel like getting down and dirty with them, I will proceed. One hand in particular was really crazy, in a "had to be there" kind of way. It went something like this. I was riding a medium/short stack with about 50 or so people left, and was just moved to a new table with a bunch of similar stacks as mine. Fortunately, this time they were not all of the chip leaders, which always seems to happen to me. Blinds are around 800/1600 with whatever the ante is (I think it's 75). I'm in the MP with 44, and raise it up to 3800, it folds around to the BB who jams his 22K stack at me... I talked a little about this before, but at this point in the tournament, with the number of people left, it didn't really matter to me if I went out on this hand or folded only to go out a few hands later, of course I am talking about the payout structure, relative to this hand. EDIT: I must admit now, that I have gone back to looking at the hand, and I was actually in pretty decent shape at the beginning of the hand, I had 38K in chips. Well, it didn't take all of my time bank, in fact I think I only used an extra 10 seconds, but I decided to make the call. It felt like a huge overbet at the time, but I think regardless of knowing the table or not, this was a pretty awful call...luckily he had K3o and I essentially doubled up. It was a awesome feeling to catch the guy here, even though in hindsight, it was a pretty messed up call by me.

There were actually two other hands that I could talk about, but I won't right now since they are too hard to explain, but suffice to say, I OWNED this guy at my table who was playing table captain/bully/prick/etc....

And, what the &*#@ US GOVT!!!! Stay out of our personal lives!!! This whole conservative right wing christian regime needs to GO, including the dictat..I mean President...

1. Harry Hood - Phish - 2/20/93
2. Rain Please Go Away - Alison Krauss & Union Station - Lonely Runs Both Ways
3. World Of Machines - The Samples - Return To Earth
4. Strance Of The Spirit Red Gator - Medeski, Martin, And Wood - Shack Man
5. Exempli Gratia - Ernie Stires - Samson Riffs (Performances: 1983-1997)
6. Moth Reprise - moe. - Warts & All Vol. 1
7. Not Myself - John Mayer - Room For Squares
8. Moma Dance - Phish - The Story Of The Ghost
9. Eveline - Nickel Creek - Why Should The Fire Die
10. Don't Tell The Band - Widespread Panic - Don't Tell The Band

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Xmas > New Years

Well, the year has come and gone, and man was it up and down. Whether it be poker related or just plain old life, the year of 2006 will not be forgotten. It seems that the "Best of 2006 Mix" was a hit. With every cd that I gave out, I also included a synopsis taken from that very post. So hopefully i'll get some more readers out of it. Even though this here little blog is really only an excercise for my own well being, I am always very entertained to read all of my other favorite blogs, so hopefully others will get a kick out of my thoughts and my life in general.

I actually made it to a final table! My last post I titled "I CAN make it deep...but can I win?". It's like a song from The Newgrass Revival..."Deeper and Deeper". This time I pulled down 3rd place, while holding on to the chip lead for the majority of the final two tables. I had some bad timing and a few questionable hands in the end, but I wasn't really dissapointed. I was playing some great poker, and along the way got quite drunk as well. But, when things are going well, why change? I think i'm starting to get the hang of the Pokerstars tournament format. In that I mean, I now know that if you can dodge a few bullets (I mean bad beats) in the early portions of the tourney, you can very easily make the money. These low-buy-in tourneys are full of WEAK players who are begging to give their chips away. My only complaint is that everytime I get a table where I end up with a nice stack, I get moved to another with all of the chip leaders. This time around I ended up with the majority of the stacks, but it was only after a few GREAT hands that I played. I will be posting some of them shortly.

Christmas was very fun as usual. Mo and I had one of the first holidays where in the end all we could say is "We're not doing that again!". We cut down our tree at the same tree farm we go to every year, although this year, we went a little later than years before.
We picked out a good one though! When we got in the room, it looked awfully small, but once we got some lights and ornaments on it, it looked amazing.
The finished product!

Soon after finishing the tree we went on to our outdoors decorations. Every year our complex does a "Deck the Deck" contest. Last year, we didn't even think they were doing it and we ended up with third place. This year, since we knew it was happening we worked extra hard and spent a little extra cash.

We were robbed...we claimed "rigged", but this got second place for $100! I even tried to bribe the judges, and Mo even gave them home-made cookies...oh well.

Just before New Years, Mo and I went out with our good friends Lisa and Angie. We've been trying to get out to the "Garden of Lights", which is a public park that puts on a light show completely non-secular. It was a little bit of a wait to get in, but it was pretty spectacular.
Mo and friends Angie and Lisa.

This year, as with every year since we've known each other, Mo and I went down to St. Michaels, MD to stay with her Sister and Husband. We went to the same restaurant, except it was very dissapointing. Despite having what may have been the best bowl of soup i've ever had.

After dinner we rushed home to ring in 2007 with are annual fireworks display off the dock of the Inn. This years fireworks were ridiculous. We were actually a little scared that the "5-0" might stop by, but they've got "bigger fish to fry". Hell, the hillbillies down there were shooting off their shotguns in the air!

Happy New Year!